Concept Laser X-Line 2000R

Print parts safely, efficiently and consistently

Concept Laser X Line

The Concept Laser X Line 2000 R 3D Printer

DMLM metal machines from Concept Laser use lasers to melt layers of fine metal powder and create complex metal 3D geometries with incredible precision directly from a CAD file.
Several different machine envelope sizes — including the largest powder-bed metal additive system in the world — are available to meet the needs of any industry. Innovative features, including the patented DMLM technology, set these machines apart.

Print large parts safely, efficiently and consistently

With a build volume of 160 liters, the X Line 2000R is one of the largest metal laser melting machine for the toolless manufacture of large functional parts and technical prototypes with repeatable material properties. The X Line 2000R is used for producing large-scale components in the aerospace and automotive industries. This innovative machine features separation of the process and handling station, which ensures both safe operation of the machine and easier handling. In addition, the X Line 2000R also has a rotating mechanism, which allows two build modules to be used reciprocally. This guarantees constant production with minimal downtimes.
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Concept Laser X Line 2000 R Features:

Xline 2000r overview image

Why Concept Laser X Line 2000 R

Exceptional Surface Quality icon

Exceptional Surface Quality

Surface quality and minimal porosity are two key advantages of the Direct Metal Laser Melting process. Since it is possible to move the print bed in as little as 20-micron increments, objects exhibit a smooth surface quality that minimizes the need for post-production finishing. To put a thickness of 20 microns in perspective, consider that the diameter of a red blood cell is about five microns, and a human hair is about 75 microns thick.

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Minimises Porosity icon

Minimises Porosity

The Direct Metal Laser Melting process minimizes the porosity common with sintering. In fact, it is possible to achieve close to 100 percent density. Enterprises can reuse the valuable unmelted metal powders.

Shortens Lead Times icon

Shortens Lead Times

Direct Metal Laser Melting offers short lead times ideal in situations where repeated testing of functional metal prototypes is necessary. Where traditional production times are often measured weeks, the direct metal laser melting process only requires hours or days.

Create Intricate Parts icon

Create Intricate Parts

The DMLM process gives designers the freedom to create objects with intricate structures and significant undercuts that are usually impossible to create using conventional methods. Quicker design cycles are vitally important in the highly competitive environments common in many industries. DMLM makes possible a design-driven process with significant benefits.
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X LINE 2000 R

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concept laser compatible materials

Compatible Materials


  • Stainless Steel 316L
  • Titanium Ti6Al4V ELI Grade 23
  • Aluminum AlSi10Mg
  • Nickel 718
  • Nickel 625
  • Cobalt CoCrMo
  • The X LINE 2000R is the world’s largest metal melting machine (160 l build volume) for the toolless manufacture of large functional components and technical prototypes with series-identical (also reactive) material properties.
  • The highlights include automated powder transport, which can even be used during an ongoing build process. Consequently there is no need at all for an operator to handle the powder. In addition, the X LINE 2000R has a rotating mechanism so that two build modules can be used reciprocally, thus guaranteeing constant production without any downtimes. The centrepiece, the dual laser system, operates with two lasers that each output 1000 W.
  • 800 x 400 x 500 mm3 (x,y,z)
  • Single or Dual 1kW Laser
  • The X Line 2000R features a dual-processing chamber that enables the operator to unpack and set up a new build while another one is being printed. The mechanism rotates 180 degrees so a new build is automatically transferred from the handling to the process side, allowing for minimal downtime and faster turnarounds.
  • A unique, closed-loop powder handling system automatically transports unused powder from the overflow containers of the X Line 2000R to an inertized sieving station – where large particles are removed – into an inertized silo and then back to the machine. This eliminates operator contact with the powder and promotes safer handling of reactive materials.
  • Automatic powder handling under inert conditions
  • Protection of the powder from oxidation
  • Fully inertized machine, sieving station, silo and transport hoses
  • Safe, contactless powder handling (no need for operation)
  • Maximum operator safety
  • The process chamber features an optimized upper and lower gas flow for better part quality and consistency.
  • High volume flows in the upper areas of the build chamber eliminate the possibility for soot or powder particles to deposit on the chamber windows.
  • 3D-printed plenum ensures the highest level of flow uniformity, while the aerodynamically designed guide vane delivers a steady, high velocity lower gas flow over the powder bed.

What Industries Are Using
Concept Laser X Line 2000 R


Additive manufacturing is disrupting the aerospace industry and accelerating the way parts are designed and manufactured. AM out-rivals traditional manufacturing because it allows production of lighter, more-durable and more-efficient designs for the aerospace industry.


An uncertain world with a complex threat matrix requires advanced platforms with modern supply chains. Whether on the ground, in the air, at sea, or in space, additive manufacturing is the game-changing technology needed for more capable military products, providing benefits like organic support and a better fleet.


Revolutionize medical implants and remove barriers to customizations. For the ready, we have a way to get there faster. To drive productivity and customization and improve safety and patient care. When you’re ready to deliver cost-efficient, patient-specific orthopedic implants using AM, the pioneers of full metal additive production are ready to help.

Industrial manufacturing

Mold making. Die casting. Part making. Now, the ready are evaluating how additive can drive greater returns on investment. Discover your additive advantage, from new business opportunities with tool steel and pure copper to reducing warpage on molded parts with conformal cooling.
M line Industrial Manufacturing


Additive technology is truly becoming an important part of automotive supply chains. From prototyping to mass production of engine, transmission, and chassis components, the ready are evaluating how additive can drive greater returns on investment.


Additive manufacturing is disrupting the aerospace industry and accelerating the way parts are designed and manufactured. AM out-rivals traditional manufacturing because it allows production of lighter, more-durable and more-efficient designs for the aerospace industry.


An uncertain world with a complex threat matrix requires advanced platforms with modern supply chains. Whether on the ground, in the air, at sea, or in space, additive manufacturing is the game-changing technology needed for more capable military products, providing benefits like organic support and a better fleet.


Revolutionize medical implants and remove barriers to customizations. For the ready, we have a way to get there faster. To drive productivity and customization and improve safety and patient care. When you’re ready to deliver cost-efficient, patient-specific orthopedic implants using AM, the pioneers of full metal additive production are ready to help.

Industrial manufacturing

Mold making. Die casting. Part making. Now, the ready are evaluating how additive can drive greater returns on investment. Discover your additive advantage, from new business opportunities with tool steel and pure copper to reducing warpage on molded parts with conformal cooling.
M line Industrial Manufacturing


Additive technology is truly becoming an important part of automotive supply chains. From prototyping to mass production of engine, transmission, and chassis components, the ready are evaluating how additive can drive greater returns on investment.

Powerful All In-One Software - Innovation Made For Users By Users

concept laser software section

Introducing AMP - The new software solution that integrates the tools engineers need to manage, process and manufacture metal additive parts in one integrated platform. Download Brochure


Case Study

ROI playbook

Learn the 4 steps to writing a successful business plan for metal additive and move toward production–faster. Download our playbook “Building the Business Case: Identifying Criteria to Measure ROI” for Additive Manufacturing and learn why developing a business case can help your investment in additive yields a higher return on investment.

X line 2000r ROI playbook resources
White Paper

Path to Production playbook

In this playbook “Planning a successful transition to serial additive production”, we share some lessons learned on our own additive journey to help others as they take steps to shift to industrialization.

X line 2000r Path-to-Production-playbook

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Our team of application and industry engineers are here to help. We can answer any questions you about range of materials, printing applications, or features of the printer. If we feel there is a more optimal solution that suits your requirements, we will recommend it.

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Objective 3D:

A Company Dedicated To Helping You Innovate Through 3D Printing

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If you’re looking for a company that can help you innovate the way you manufacture & prototype, Objective 3D is the company for you. We offer a wide range of specialised 3D printers, 3D scanners, material and software options to choose from, so you can find the perfect solution for your needs. We work with some of the leading industries in the world, including medical, automotive, and aerospace, so we have a deep understanding of the specific needs and challenges that our clients face. Our team of experienced application engineers are on hand to provide you with the support and guidance you need throughout every stage of your product’s lifecycle.

What sets Objective 3D apart from other companies is our daily use of the technology we promote. Our state-of-the-art service bureau houses 12+ different 3D printing technologies, and we print thousands of parts every year, from small tooling aids, patient specific models, and large industrial parts. This gives us a deep understanding of the capabilities and limitations of each solution, so we can provide you with the best possible option.

Objective 3D provides same-day phone support with a quick response time any day of the year. We can also assist you with overflow of work, machine downtime, and complex supply chain issues, where you tap into our technology on a contract basis, giving you access to our on-demand 24 hour ISO accredited printing facility, equipped with 24 printers, part finishing lab, and in-house team of dedicated application engineers, ready to serve you.
Our mission is to revolutionise the way businesses manufacture today, so you can build a better tomorrow. Contact us today to find out more.

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