Stratasys and FDM are registered trademarks, and FDM Technology, Stratasys nautilus logo, “For a 3D World”, and Smart Supports, are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd.
WDM, CrownWorx, FrameWorx, TrueCast, and TrueSupport are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd.
Mojo, Dimension, uPrint, Dimension BST, Dimension SST, Catalyst, WaveWash, and Ecoworks are registered trademarks of Stratasys Ltd. uPrint Plus, uPrint SE, uPrint SE Plus, Catalyst EX, QuickPack, Print Pack, and WaveWash 55 are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd.
Fortus and Finishing Touch are registered trademarks, and Fortus 200mc, Fortus 250mc, Fortus 360mc, Fortus 400mc, Fortus 900mc, Insight, Control Center, FDM Team, WaterWorks, and TouchWorks are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd.
RedEye, RedEye and orbit design, Ready Part, and Xpress3D are registered trademarks of Stratasys Ltd. RedEye ARC, Factory of the Future, Overnight Build, and Discover.STL are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd.
FDM Nylon 12, ABSplus, ABS-M30, ABS-M30i, ABSi, ABS-ESD7, PC-ISO, XTEND, SR-20, SR-30, SR-100 and SR-110 are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd.
ULTEM is a registered trademark of SABIC or affiliates.
Objet, Objet24, Objet30, Objet30 Pro, Objet30 Scholar, Objet1000, Objet Studio, Quadra, QuadraTempo, FullCure, SHR, Eden, Eden250, Eden260, Eden260V, Eden330, Eden350, Eden350V, Eden500V, Job Manager, CADMatrix, Connex, Objet260 Connex, Objet350 Connex, Objet500 Connex, Connex1, Connex2, Connex3, Alaris, Alaris30, OrthoDesk, Dental Advantage, PolyLog, Tango, TangoBlack, TangoGray, TangoPlus, TangoBlackPlus, Vero, VeroBlue, VeroBlack, VeroBlackPlus, VeroClear, VeroDent, VeroDentPlus, VeroGray, VeroWhite, VeroWhitePlus, VeroGlaze, Durus, Endur, PolyJet, PolyJet Matrix, Digital ABS, Digital ABS2 and ObjetGreen are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd.
Solid Concepts, SolidView, ID-Light, and “ – The Fastest Prototypes on the Planet” are registered trademarks of Solid Concepts Inc. (as part of Stratasys, Inc.). HDSL and QuantumCast are trademarks of Solid Concepts Inc. (as part of Stratasys, Inc.).
SLS, QuickCast and SLA are registered trademarks of 3D Systems Inc.
DMLS is a registered trademark of EOS GmbH
SLM is a registered trademark of SLM Solutions Gmbh
Objective3D is a leading provider of Additive Manufacturing (AM) solutions in Australia and New Zealand. They offer a range technology solution for thermoplastic and photopolymer from Stratasys, ceramics from Lithoz, as well as Artec 3D Scanners and Materialise AM Software. Supported by the Stratasys Direct Manufacturing Global Network, Objective3D also offers manufacturing on-demand services and is ISO 9001 certified.
AU Phone: +613 9785 2333
NZ Phone: +649 801 0380