
3D Printing for Composite Tooling

Produce 3D printed molds and mandrels in a fraction of the time.

Composite Tooling
Composite Tooling

Exploring Tooling Possibilities and Beyond

Whether the application requires reusable layup mold tooling or sacrificial tooling for complex, trapped-tool geometries, FDM Technology simplifies the fabrication of composite parts while providing unparalleled design freedom.

Composite Mold Tooling

The use of FDM for composite tooling has demonstrated considerable cost and lead time reductions while providing greater design freedom and more rapid iteration, regardless of part complexity. These advantages, combined with materials capable of withstanding the common high-temperature, high-pressure cure cycle requirements found in industries such as aerospace, provide disruptive value to composite part manufacturers and enable innovation.

Benefits of 3D Printing Composite Tooling

Save Cost and Lead-times

Build tools in days versus weeks to months for traditional tooling at a fraction of the cost – greater than 90% cost savings versus traditional tooling has been demonstrated.

Fast Production

Transition from pre-production parts to production in just a matter of days with a digital inventory of tool designs ready for build.

Produce Functional Designs

Tailor tool designs specifically to the application versus a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

Transform Shop Operations

Deliver custom tools on-demand with designs that can completely change how tools are handled and managed on the shop floor.

Sacrificial Tooling

Sacrificial tooling produced with FDM Technology simplifies the production of complex and hollow composite parts. Tools can be 3D printed and easily dissolved after curing, eliminating ancillary processes like mold making, while accelerating the product development cycle.

Benefits Of Sacrificial Tooling

Reduce Lead-times

Go from design to finished tools in days instead of months by eliminating slow, expensive fabrication processes.

Strong Tooling

Build strong and dimensionally stable tooling that can withstand rough handling during part fabrication and autoclave processing.

Produce Hollow Parts

Design and produce complex, hollow parts with soluble materials developed specifically for sacrificial tooling without sacrificing productivity, performance, or quality.

Improve Control, Accuracy & Finishing

Improve control, accuracy and finish of critical surfaces with male sacrificial tools that can be easily dissolved in a detergent solution after cure.

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