100% Dedicated to 3D Printing. That’s all we do!
3D printing is not merely an add-on product to our existing business. It’s our number 1 priority, all day every day.
If purchasing a 3D printer is not suitable, you may want to consider 3D printing services as an alternative. Push the boundaries of design & commercial manufacturing with our specialised 3D printing & consulting services.
Click on the following to learn more about each of our focus areas.
Objective3D is a leading provider of Additive Manufacturing (AM) solutions in Australia and New Zealand. They offer a range technology solution for thermoplastic and photopolymer from Stratasys, ceramics from Lithoz, as well as Artec 3D Scanners and Materialise AM Software. Supported by the Stratasys Direct Manufacturing Global Network, Objective3D also offers manufacturing on-demand services and is ISO 9001 certified.
AU Phone: +613 9785 2333
NZ Phone: +649 801 0380